Architects and Engineers
Professional Indemnity Insurance provides cover that protects you in the unfortunate event that a claim is made against you.

Architects Professional Indemnity Insurance
Like everyone involved in the building industry, architects have been affected by legislation changes over the past 20 years.
The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 for example, was designed to tackle problems such as excessive delays in claims and costly disputes within the industry. Because of these changes, this means claims made by architects have altered within the industry as the profession is relied on more and more.
Negligence on design or failure to seek the correct planning permission are common issues and you need to ensure that you are protected against this type of mistake, whether it was your fault or not. This means your Professional Indemnity insurance has to be effective to ensure you do not lose professional or personal wealth as a result.
We have built relationships and reputations with insurers to help secure the best deal for you, irrespective of where you are in the insurance cycle. We have the ability to proactively, professionally and pragmatically deal with claims against you to ensure that the most robust defence is served. Where appropriate the best settlement will be reached, whilst always protecting your reputation and having the least possible impact on your day to day work.
Engineers Professional Indemnity Insurance
Engineering is an interesting and varied disciplines, encompassing a huge range of work from the established areas such as civil engineering through to mechanical, heating and electrical work, and all areas can embrace use of the very latest technology.
There are also several other areas of specialism such as soil, foundation and environmental work which also fall under the broad heading of engineering.
There are many professional bodies representing engineers, from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering to other bodies serving specific disciplines such as the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Electrical Engineers and Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
With 30 years’ of experience in the sector, we can safely say we know the Professional Indemnity insurance market back to front.
Professional Indemnity provides cover that protects you in the unfortunate event that a claim is made against you. It is imperative that your policy is up to the task of safeguarding your business and reputation.
It is because of the variety and complexity of engineering that it is so important that engineers carefully consider their Professional Indemnity requirements and ensure that their insurers understand the risk.