Covid-19 and the Care sector
A joint webinar with BLM Law addressing new and continuing issues care organisations face in the continuing pandemic and beyond

PIB Insurance Brokers joins BLM Law to address how to continue supporting the care sector throughout the pandemic.
Stewart Archdale, Executive Director of PIB Insurance Brokers, along with BLM Law partners, Michelle Penn, Sally Hancock and Edward Sainsbury, tackle the new and continuing issues care organisations face in the continuing pandemic and beyond. They discuss key topics such as:
Guidance in relation to procedures involved in Covid-19Like any industry the care system has had to adapt within Covid-19. With life starting to normalise, what guidance and advice are provided for the care system and their employees?
Managing and investigating an outbreakWith employees returning to work, measures and rules are likely to be put in place to prevent a workplace outbreak. How are different organisations expected to prevent outbursts within their systems? What role does the individual play in prevention?
Care organisations face the difficult task of reducing risk for both patients and employees. What are the next steps in ensuring safety within the work place? What responsibilities do service providers have when enforcing such issues? When does a difference in belief come into play within the workplace guidance?
When or when not to RIDDOR Report?Sadly, although we hope life is getting back to normal, unfortunate events can occur. What are individuals responsible to report a work-related accident leading to end-of-life? With Covid-19 as an ongoing virus, what determines if a workplace is at fault? What are the consequences for not reporting to RIDDOR?
Government Assurance SchemeAlthough payment under the scheme does not amount to an admission, businesses must be careful when involved with an occupational death. What is the responsibility of the employer to the diseased employees’ family? Where does privilege come into play as the employer?
How to correspond with the HSE and/or the CQC and/or the Care inspectorateIf an enquiry or investigation comes under way, employers and employees could be required to provide testimony or witness statements to a claim. What is a member of staff’s role within an investigation? How should one interact with the investigators?
Handling an HSE/CQC investigation and/or prosecutionsIf a claim becomes a legal prosecution, the organisation and individuals may be called to assist. What steps and measures should a business take to protect itself? Where does privilege and responsibility meet?
Claims and InquestsAs Covid-19 turns another corner, more claims are likely to occur. How can an organisation potentially prevent claims? How should they respond? What makes a claim likely to be inquired? What claim is likely to win in court?
Policy coverageNow that the workplace facing a new normal, policy covering is possible to change. What steps should be taken to understand and investigate their coverage? How likely is it for a coverage to change?
For more information, please contact Stewart Archdale, Charity and Not For Profit Director of PIB Insurance Brokers, or call 07824 424974