Important Information Regarding Temporary Closure of Businesses and Unoccupied Buildings

Important Information Regarding Temporary Closure of Businesses and Unoccupied Buildings
Coronavirus Update (COVID-19) - Temporary Closure of Businesses and Unoccupied Buildings
Unfortunately many business premises are once again being forced to close as a result of the latest government restrictions.
Your Commercial Insurance policy will almost certainly include an unoccupancy condition stating the need to notify your insurer(s) once your property has become vacant or unoccupied after a period of time specified in your policy wording. This period of unoccupancy will vary by insurer and will be shown in your policy wording.
Additional risk management requirements, restrictions in cover and additional premiums may also apply during any period of unoccupancy beyond the timescale stated in the policy.
Whilst many insurers are providing flexibility with regard to temporary unoccupancy in light of the exceptional circumstances, it is important you contact us as soon as possible if your property, or any of your regular business premises, has or is becoming temporarily unoccupied.
Likewise, please get in touch with your usual contact or complete our contact us form immediately to advise of any changes to the nature of occupancy/use of your premises to those previously disclosed – this should include notifying us if any part of your premises is being used to roll-out the accelerated vaccination programme. Any changes in occupancy/use of the premises are material facts requiring disclosure to insurers - failure to do so could affect cover in the event of a claim.